Traveling with little ones

packing for kids

Traveling with small children


This question gets asked a ton, I am on a local mom’s group and it pops up about 1x week.

I personally have been flying with Linc and Em since they were a few weeks old for work trips and several months old for some fun vacations. Here is my top 10 list on the things we have learned:

  1. One baby is always easier than two babies and toddlers are a whole different travel scenario then a non-mobile baby. I think at some number the amount of kids become a moot point since you just adapt! I give a ton of credit to our friends with 3+ who travel a whole lot!
  1. Take advantage of checking bags if you can. We have credit cards with both Delta and American Airlines. This means checked bags are FREE, you can always check a stroller or car seat at no cost but being able to check bags to final destination is excellent, especially if you are using a car seat on plane which I highly recommend or bringing stroller to the gate.
  1. Use a car seat. This is our inexpensive and light favorite, the Cosco high back harnessed booster. I am guilty of doing the lap baby thing, it’s a huge money saver and it totally did it a ton. BUT you wouldn’t hold a baby in the car for 2-5 hours why would you on a plane? I am guilty of traveling with Linc exclusively as infant in arms till he was 2, after 3 trips at 2 plus with no car seat we never did it again. My toddler likes to move and is super restless on planes, once we brought a car seat on board the flights got 10x easier. Em and him will both be in car seats until they reach 4 and then the CARES harness for a few more years.
  1. Early morning flights are not always the best. We have found that waking up at 3-4am not only makes super cranky parents but also doesn’t always mean baby will be tired and sleep. We prefer flights that are between 9am-noon now if we can or we travel late the night before we need to be somewhere.

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  1. Snacks!!! Bring more then you ever thought possible.
  1. I have never had an ear issue with either kiddo, both were BF but neither ever had an issue with the altitude changes, I think the best bet is to nurse baby during takeoff or landing if they are awake or feed them a bottle!
  1. Baby wearing is super helpful when traveling. Linc didn’t love it so I didn’t do it as much. With Em I put her in the Ergo with infant insert when she was 2 weeks old and wore her daily till she was 6 months. I still wear her when we travel as it prevents her from running away and allows me to use both hands. Also if you do babywear it can reduce the need for a bulky stroller!
  1. Get a small travel stroller; If you only need a stroller for one baby my go to is the mountain buggy nano as you can fit it in the overhead planes (just not regional jets)!!! There is also another awesome one on the market now Zoe XL1. If you need a double, we swear by Zoe XL2 it weighs under 17lbs!!!!!I have the full size city mini and have brought it away but it is literally like traveling with another human and very stressful to pack up safely to gate check.
  1. You don’t need to pack everything 99% of the time you can find and buy what you need within 5 minutes of where you are staying.
  1. Enjoy the experience, seriously, flying, and in general airports are their own little worlds try to see the fun it and as the saying goes the less stressed you are the less stressed the baby(s) will be!

Start planning your next family vacation!

Comments 1
    • Jen Wozniak
    • 9 years
    • Reply

    Very helpful article! We’ve learned some of these same lessons with one but now that we have a second on the way the tips are much appreciated. I hope that like you our second will enjoy being worn more than our first did!

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